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Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent

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Original Text with English Translation by Rev. H.J. Schroeder, O.P.

In the list of general councils Trent holds the first place, not only because of its restatement of Catholic doctrine and its initiation of a genuine reform, but also because of its extraordinary influence both within and without the Church. Its purpose was twofold, to define the doctrines of the Church in reply to the heresies of the Protestants, and to bring about a thorough reform of the inner life of Christians. To enhance the merits of this treasure, the Latin text of the cannons and decrees is given in the second part of this book. The translation of these dogmatic decisions will be of immense advantage not only to the clergy but also and especially to the seminarian and the educated layman. 

308 page book. Impr. 1941.

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