
Items: 115 of 16, per page
  • Reflections and Affections from the Spiritual Writings of Saint Alphonsus.
    Vol. 1 - Advent - Sexagesima

    Selected and Edited by Reb. J.B. Coyle, C.Ss.R.

    Father Coyle hopes to give us, for every day of the year [in four separate volumes], some of the most beautiful and helpful things for salvation that St. Alphonsus ever wrote. These volumes will give us the Reflections and Resolutions and devout Prayers that helped St. Alphonsus himself and made him a saint. Surely they will help to sanctify ourselves, too, so that all the days of our life may be for God and for our own eternal welfare.
    This volume is a timely publication, especially in an age when men the world over have let their hearts on material things and have thrust God into the background. Men to-day have plenty of time for pleasure, plenty of time for study and research, plenty of time to seek for riches, but they have no time for God. Fools that they are, they are only wasting their time when they fail to make God the end and object of their life work.
    In these volumes St. Alphonsus is going to confide to you his secret of success and happiness. He is going to teach you how easy it is to give all your days to God.

    Impr, 1946. 230 page book.

    • $18.20

    • SKU: N-AMDG

    Score: 3.25 (votes: 4)
  • The Wonderful Christmas of Theresa

    by Brother George, F.I.C. Impr 1944.  

    Theresa was a young girl in a poverty stricken family, with a dying mother and no money to buy needed medication. It would seem that only a miracle could solve this problem, and that is what she got, but in a such a way one would not expect. This book, written at a child’s level, is very sentimental and will touch young and old alike. Parents can read and discuss this book with their young children as many moral lessons are brought out. 

    32 pages, 6 color, full page pictures.

    • $9.96

    • SKU: N-HNMA

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 1)
  • By Father Faber.

    The Sacred Infancy of Our Most Dear and Blessed Redeemer is the foundation of all creation. Father Faber explores the hidden meanings of Our Lord's incarnation, birth, infancy, and early life and expands his theme to a wide-ranging discourse on the entire Catholic Faith from the point of view of the Sacred Infancy. Nothing that Jesus did or allowed Himself to undergo is without meaning, and Father Faber explores those hidden meanings with a depth one would hardly believe possible.

    Impr 1955, 432 page book.

    • $21.95

    • SKU: N-BET

    Not rated yet
  • Ever since that night nearly two thousand years ago when the Infant Savior of the World smiled up from a manger in a poor village in Judea, men’s hearts have gladdened at the angel’s good tidings and their eyes have turned toward Bethlehem for a glimpse of the Divine Child. This is the story of how those good tidings reached us, of how they passed from land to land and from saint to saint, of how Christmas customs sprang up from the hearts of people of every land. From the lands of the Magi back to the fourth-century Bethlehem of St. Helena, and on to the Emerald Isle of St. Brigid, to the thirteenth-century Italy of St. Francis, all the way to La Navidad in the New World - so the good tidings were carried. And with them came, one by one, the tree, the gifts, the crib - all the customs which bind our own time and place with the Bethlehem of long ago. In a beautiful blend of history and legend, Hertha Pauli weaves together the story of the world’s Christmas.

    190 page book, Impr, 1956.

    • $12.90

    • SKU: N-CATS

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 1)
  • Christmas and the Saints - Vintage Used Book
    • New!
    • 21% off

    Acceptable condition, no dust cover, ex-library book, All pages intact.

    Ever since that night nearly two thousand years ago when the Infant Savior of the World smiled up from a manger in a poor village in Judea, men’s hearts have gladdened at the angel’s good tidings and their eyes have turned toward Bethlehem for a glimpse of the Divine Child. This is the story of how those good tidings reached us, of how they passed from land to land and from saint to saint, of how Christmas customs sprang up from the hearts of people of every land. From the lands of the Magi back to the fourth-century Bethlehem of St. Helena, and on to the Emerald Isle of St. Brigid, to the thirteenth-century Italy of St. Francis, all the way to La Navidad in the New World - so the good tidings were carried. And with them came, one by one, the tree, the gifts, the crib - all the customs which bind our own time and place with the Bethlehem of long ago. In a beautiful blend of history and legend, Hertha Pauli weaves together the story of the world’s Christmas.

    190 page book, Impr, 1956.

    • $31.58

    • SKU: UB-CATS

    Not rated yet
    Only 1 left in stock
  • by Rev. Gerald T. Brennan. Impr. 1957.

    Father Brennan spent his life  specializing in telling interesting stories to the young. He has a very special gift in reaching the young with moral lessons they would remember for many years.  In this, one of his many books, there are 4 different stories all for the young and young at heart. All stories deal with the Christmas season, esp. Christmas Eve.

    28 pages, color pictures. SB.

    • $9.95

    • SKU: N-CHST

    Not rated yet
  • Infant Jesus in Manger Mini Holy Card
    • 10% off

    Infant Jesus in Manger Mini Holy Card 1 1/2" x 2 1/2" 

    Blank on reverse.

    Pack of 100, perfect to include in Christmas greeting cards!

    • $16.65

    • SKU: 9-4401

    Not rated yet
  • This pamphlet tells how Fr. Lord, when he was a young seminarian, decided “Merry Christmas” had a frivolous sound, so he wished his friends instead “A Happy and a Holy Christmas!” Later in life, with more maturity, Father explains why “Merry Christmas” is, in fact, the perfect expression. A very interesting history is given, even starting with the birth of our Lord and throughout the ages. There are many practical ideas in this small pamphlet. “The holy are happy, and the happy are merry.” Father concludes, “Mankind is rightly merry. Christ has made it so.”

    By Father Daniel Lord, S.J.
    Impri 1945, 24 page pamphlet.

    • $3.90

    • SKU: P-YCM

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 1)
  • May Your Christmas Be Merry - Father Daniel Lord - Vintage Used Book
    • New!
    • 21% off

    Good condition! Small tear on front cover but all text is bright and clear and intact!

    This pamphlet tells how Fr. Lord, when he was a young seminarian, decided “Merry Christmas” had a frivolous sound, so he wished his friends instead “A Happy and a Holy Christmas!” Later in life, with more maturity, Father explains why “Merry Christmas” is, in fact, the perfect expression. A very interesting history is given, even starting with the birth of our Lord and throughout the ages. There are many practical ideas in this small pamphlet. “The holy are happy, and the happy are merry.” Father concludes, “Mankind is rightly merry. Christ has made it so.”

    By Father Daniel Lord, S.J.
    Impri 1945, 24 page pamphlet.

    • $20.51

    • SKU: UB-YCM

    Not rated yet
    Only 1 left in stock
  • Today, Christmas is celebrated without Christ in many quarters. Christmas is the season when God became man in the form of a child, and yet, unhappily, in how many homes, because Christ is uninvited, children, too, are no longer welcome. Christmas, like Emmanuel, means “God with us.” If we celebrate Christmas without God, we have lost its meaning. If we refuse an inn to God’s children as the fruit of marriage, we repeat the sad tale of Bethlehem that refused an inn to Mary and Joseph and the Child. This book was written with the hope and intention of bringing to our minds the thoughts of Advent that we may think and pray with Mary who brought Christ to us. Advent, like Lent, is a time of preparation in thought and deed for a great event.

    By Rev. Msgr. Aloysius F. Coogan, M.A.
    Impri 1953, 116 page book.

    • $12.60

    • SKU: N-STEPS

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 1)
  • This is a Christmas book about the Blessed Sacrament. When, at the good tidings of great joy, the little ones crowd to the Crib, going over, as it were, and going back to Bethlehem, to see the gracious mystery which has come to pass, we elders turn rather to the Tabernacle, to find there once again, new-born in mystic birth and wrapped in the swaddling-clothes of the sacramental species, Him for whom there is really no far-away and no long-ago. And these pages will help to penetrate us, while kneeling there in lowly adoration, with the spirit of the dweller in that ‘house of bread’, and to make us, in very truth, as little, children once again.

    Selection from Father Faber by Rev. John Fitzpatrick, O.M.I.
    120 page book, Impr 1901.

    • $7.90

    • SKU: N-CE

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 1)
  • According to the Holy Gospel. Retold by Catherine Beebe. Cum permissu superiorum, 1940. This small book, written in simple language for a child, is a "retelling of the Christmas Story is offered to the greater glory of Him Whose Birthday it celebrates!" Ten full page line drawings keep the interest of the child. 48 page booklet.

    • $5.95

    • SKU: N-TCST

    Not rated yet
  • By Daniel A Lord.

    Learn the truth, that there really was a Santa Claus, that the real Santa was a great Catholic Bishop and his name was St. Nicholas! Learn about how an infamous poem changed the custom of an entire world. Learn all about his history, his tradition, his legend, his death, his story, and how it all started. With so much to learn about this wonderful saint it is easy to see how the whole world loves St. Nicholas!

    Impr 1954, 71 page booklet.

    • $6.40

    • SKU: N-SANTA

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 2)
  • This book is intended as a gift book and as a series of prepared Christmas sermons for busy priests. It contains the Christmas story as found in the various Evangelists, and seventeen sermons actually preached throughout the years, with some extent the sermons form has been deliberately retained,but it is hoped that the sermons have been sufficiently adapted for ordinary reading. It is the fond hope of the author that it maymake the Christmas story, and what it implies, better known to both Catholics and non-Catholics, and by doing so, bring them closer to God and to His Son, Jesus Christ. Pictures covering the life of Christ have been chosen to make the matter more vivid and real. May the book go forth with the blessing of this same Christ upon it!

    Impr, 1947, 131 page book.

    • $13.20

    • SKU: N-SSET

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 3)
  • Perfect reading for families during Christmas time. Lovely illustrations to catch the attention of little ones and a message for adults and
    older children on the true meaning of Christmas from Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen. His rendition of the Christmas story is wonderful to read to the whole family! Beautiful illustrations to inspire the imagination!
    30 page booklet. Impr 1955.
    • $4.95

    • SKU: N-TMC

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 1)
Items: 115 of 16, per page