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Franciscan Perfection

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Impr 1954, 193 page book. Translated by Rev. Paul Barrett, O.F.M., Cap. From the text: This book was written for the benefit of the younger brethren in Religion and out of filial love for our Holy Father St. Francis. This book will develop in all the children of St. Francis a higher esteem and a greater taste for traditional Franciscan spirituality. The better our Seraphic Father is known, the more loved and the more faithfully followed will he be. Perfect imitation of him will transform us into his Crucified Love. Impr 1954, 193 page book. “You make St. Francis live again and you give the reader a share in his devotion to “Christ, Poor and Crucified” - Cardinal Mercier “I am convinced that it is by means of the Third Order and the spread of Franciscan spirit that we shall save the world.” - Pope Leo XIII

  • $12.90

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      Refuge of Sinners Publishing, Inc.
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