Church Teachings

Items: 115 of 22, per page
  • For the Parochial and Sunday Schools in the United States. By Rev. James Groenings

    This Catechism was written principally for Parochial and Sunday schools. Its subject matter is partly for the intermediate classes, partly for the higher classes and the Sunday school. Originally published by Benziger Brothers in 1900, this Catechism is unique as it is both advanced and intermediate. Younger students can omit the smaller type that is intended for advanced students.

    160 page book, Impr 1900

    • $11.35

    • SKU: N-CATG

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 2)
  • By Right Reverend J.D. Richards, D.D.

    Originally printed by Benziger Brothers in 1884.

    A Plain and Brief Statement of the Real Doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church, as opposed to those falsely attributed to her, by Christians who reject her authority, and by Unbelievers in Revelations; that thus a contrast may be easily drawn between the “Faith once delivered to the Saints,” and the conflicting theories, and scientific guesses of the present age; and serving as a refutation to the assaults of modern infidelity. From the introduction: I believe that no one of ordinary intelligence and observation will deny that unbelief, the offspring of frivolity and thoughtlessness, is rapidly spreading over the whole civilized world. It is not philosophical and reasoning Infidelity that is causing whole nations, in this nineteenth century, to turn away from God and His Christ and the hopes of Faith, but thoughtless and flippant ridicule of the joys and terrors set before us by revelation. It is utter carelessness and indifference about sacred things that is doing this wide-spread mischief. From the preface: [The] object has been throughout to state the difficulties urged by unbelief against Catholic Christianity plainly and even forcibly - much more forcibly than they have been put to me by travelling companions, and men whom I have met, disposed chiefly to common-sense, and are supported, on account of their simplicity, from hosts of others more suited to the schools.

    406 page softbound book.

    • $24.70

    • SKU: N-CCMU

    Not rated yet
  • Written solely for entertainment!
    By Herbert A. Kenny, A.B. & Geoffrey P Keane, A.B., M.D.

    Fun for all ages! Share a fun and spiritually educational night with the family!
    Contains 40 quizzes of 20 questions each and 2 “advanced” quizzes with 100 questions each. From the Author’s Preface: Although intended chiefly for Catholics, it should nevertheless by of interest to non-Catholics with a general knowledge of the Church. To Catholics and non-Catholics alike it should provide a ready reference book on a variety of matters.

    216 page book, Impr 1945

    • $13.90

    • SKU: N-CQB

    Not rated yet
  • Texts Usually Ignored by Bible Readers.

    1950 edition “Published with Ecclesiastical Authority.”

    There is a conspicuous note on the third page that “Official Catholic teaching is the sum of Scripture and Tradition, divinely interpreted …” The text consists of 25 Questions on the History of the New Testament and their answers on pages 21-28. Hopefully this publication will correct misconceptions and answer objections of non-Catholics to see the true Church of Christ in a different light.

    32 page pamphlet.

    • $4.90

    • SKU: N-CR

    Not rated yet
  • Rev. John Laux, M.A. A complete history of the Catholic Church to the present day.
    Originally published by Benziger Brothers, Inc.
    Imprimatur, 1930. 621 page book.

        Although there are several Church histories in English, some are too elementary to be satisfying to the adult lay reader, while others are too technical or voluminous. More especially, they do not present sufficient matter on the history of the Church in our own country, and they all lack the illustrative material which is so helpful and even necessary to the full understanding of the persons, events, and places read about. It is hoped that the copious illustrations and maps appearing in this volume will make it still more interesting to the reader, while the numerous excerpts from the writings of the Fathers, Doctors, documents of the Councils of the Church and of the Popes, etc., will make for better acquaintance with these interesting phases of Church History.

    • $29.95

    • SKU: N-CHHI

    Not rated yet
  • “Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build My Church,
    and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” (Matt. xvi. 18)

    The Catholic Church stands forth today, as she has in every period of her existence, as the Rock upon which all heresies and schisms are wrecked, as the Rock which has always withstood every kind of persecution, and will always continue to do so, even to the end of the world. Impr, 64 page booklet

    • $5.15

    • SKU: N-KNOW

    Not rated yet
  • Being a plain exposition and vindication of the Church founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ.

    By Most Rev. James Gibbons, D.D., Archbishop of Baltimore.

    First Edition issued in 1876.

    The object of this little volume is to present, in a plain and practical form, an exposition and a vindication of the principal tenets of the Catholic Church.

    480 page book.

    • $20.95

    • SKU: N-FAITH

    Not rated yet
  • A complete Exposition of the Catholic Doctrine, Together with a Full Explanation of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Including The Triumpths of the Church in Every Age; The Spread of the Gospel Throughout the World; The Church in America; The Duty and Value of Patriotism and The Encyclical Letters on the Study of the Holy Scriptures to The Defenders of Our Faith and the Rulers of the World by His Holiness Pope Leo XIII.

    Lavishly Illustrated with Exquisitely Engraved Illustrations. Volume Two.
    (Note: The above is the book title and the numerous subtitles!).

    Impr. 1894, 368 pages.

    • $23.70

    • SKU: N-GCC

    Not rated yet
  • A simple text-book of ceremonies for Altar Boys, with diagrams showing the movements and positions of the server and containing a pictured explanation of the vestments, altar and sanctuary appointments, together with an interlinear phonetic arrangement of the Latin prayers. It is a great privilege for a boy to be allowed to serve at the altar of the Most High God. The altar boy is indeed one of the pages at the Court of the King of Kings. How you should appreciate this high honor therefore by showing the greatest reverence in the sanctuary, by paying exact attention during the sacred services and by learning your part as perfectly as possible! It was in order to help you to do so, that this little book was prepared.

    By Rev. William A. O’Brien
    47 page booklet, Imprimatur, 1931.

    • $6.90

    • SKU: P-HSLM

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 1)
  • by Martin J Scott, S.J.

    Imprimatur 1941.

    Father Scott gives convincing answers to prove the Catholic Church is the One, true Church. A catechism format is used with text that is easy to understand. An excellent booklet for conversion!

    24 pages.

    • $3.98

    • SKU: N-HC

    Not rated yet
  • A Complete and Thorough Exposition of the Commandments of God and of the Church.
    With Numerous Examples From Holy Scripture, The Fathers, and Other Sources.
    With Reflection and a Practice on Each Commandment.

    Originally printed by Benziger Brothers in 1897.

    From the Introduction:
    "Eternal salvation does not depend on faith alone, but also in keeping the Commandments. "
    This book is the most complete, the most thorough and the most enjoyable that I have ever read on this important subject.

    330 pages. Imprimatur, 1897.

    • $23.30

    • SKU: N-TEN

    Not rated yet
  • By Rev. Gerald M. Paris, O.P.

    Being an Abridgement of the Questions of the Entire Summa Theologica of St. Thomas, Together with the Basic Reasons for Each of their Articles.

    From the Author’s Preface:  
    “We have aimed to give the gist of the Summa to clergy and laymen, that this immortal work of St. Thomas may come to a wider and wider public, especially needful today, when truth is so much obscured.

    “For I am persuaded, just as at the Council of Trent no other book was so frequently consulted for the renewal of Christian life as was the Summa Theologica of Aquinas, so today we can offer no better book as a code of life to all who seek the truth than this same Summa, which indeed is a summation of all life.”

    “This work, therefore, in which we have reduced the whole of the Summa, to a fifth of its original size, and which has cost use the labor of seven years, we offer gratefully to God and freely to the Church of Christ, that these articles that Aquinas wrote for beginning students may be within the reach of all, like rays of light, both human and divine; a book from which the whole world may draw salvation and true peace, founded on true justice and truth.”

     This book is very well indexed (12 pages) with an extensive table of contents (10 pages).

    790 pages Imprimatur 1950.

    This is a big book!

    • $55.30

    • SKU: N-SUMM

    Not rated yet
  • An Exhaustive Exposition of the Christian Religion with Special Reference to the Present State of Society and the Spirit of the Age. A Practical Manual for the Use of the Preacher, the Catechist, the Teacher, and the Family.

    This large Catechism is divided into three parts: The first part treats of faith, the second of morals, the third of the means of grace. In the first part Our Lord appears in His character of Teacher; in the second in His character of King; and in the third in His character of High Priest. This Catechism is in fact nothing more nor less than an abstract of Our Lord’s teaching, and may be called a guide book for the Christian on the road to heaven. This Catechism aims at cultivating, to an equal extent, all the three powers of the soul: the understanding, the affections and the will. It is an amazing book and should be in every home.

    Original of Rev. Francis Spirago, Edited by Rev. Richard F. Clarke, S.J
    Impr, 1899, 752 page book.


    • $25.90

    • SKU: N-CAEX

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 2)
  • The Catholic Faith in Outline - A Summary of Instruction, 
    A Guide for Preachers and Teachers
    By Rev James MacLoughlin. Straightforward purpose of these instructions is to give in a fairly small compass all that a Catholic ought to know about the faith. Intended principally as an effective preaching aid, the work will be useful for classrooms and catechetical instruction.  The author has provided solid, practical material for each of the Sundays of the year, as well as for the principal feasts, and while the sequence fits within the framework of the Liturgical Year, each instruction stands firmly by itself and may be used independently. This carefully constructed synopsis will serve well as solid spiritual reading or meditation material for clergy, religious, and the laity.
    287 page book.
    Impr 1955.
    • $18.65

    • SKU: N-CFO

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 1)
  • Documents of the Church in English Translation.
    This book aims to present to the student of dogmatic theology a translation of some documents of the Church that are most frequently used and are most important for the ordinary courses of theology. In the first place a series of creeds is presented, for the creeds are usually quite general in their dogmatic content. The other documents follow, grouped according to treatises that are now commonly used in the presentation of dogmatic theology. Within each section chronological order is followed.

    400 page book, Impr 1955.

    • $19.95

    • SKU: N-TEACH

    Not rated yet
Items: 115 of 22, per page