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The Church and Kindness to Animals

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First printed in 1906.

Packed with short stories of Saints, Bishops, Cardinals, and more and their interactions with and their thoughts on animals.

Taken from the text:
"God has endued even animals with a sense of the joy of life, according to their measure. Far be it, then, from tis to injure this sense of theirs in any way, or to inflict pain and suffering on them out of mere cruelty of heart. But such a habit of treating animals badly always pre-supproses a low ferocity of mind. For anyone at all humane is repelled by such delight in torment, and is touched with pity when he sees poor animals in great pain, whether by accident or from some just cause."

195 page book.

  • $21.40

  • SKU: N-CKA
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