Cardinal Manning

Items: 19 of 9, per page
  • By Cardinal Henry Edward Manning.

    Imprimatur, 1907, 290 page book.

    Describes the duties and responsibilities of a priest. After one reads this treasure, it cannot be doubted that a priest will be viewed with more appreciation because of the abundance of gifts he so willingly gives: forgiveness of sin,  the value without limit of the Holy Eucharist, etc.  Twenty chapters to include: The Powers of the Priesthood,  The Priest’s Helps, The Value of a Priest’s Time,  The Priest Under False Accusations, The Priest’s Rewards, The Priest’s Death, and much more.

    See also other books by Cardinal Henry Edward Manning:
      Internal Mission of the Holy Ghost
      Love of Jesus to Penitents
      The Temporal Power of the Vicar of Jesus Christ
      Lectures by Cardinal Manning
      Sin and It’s Consequences
      The Glories of the Sacred Heart
      Eternal Priesthood

    • $17.40

    • SKU: N-EP

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  • By Cardinal Henry Edward Manning.

    Imprimatur 1899.

    Cardinal Henry Edward Manning presents three books in one with multiple lectures in each, every book printed as they were taken down at the time in the late 1800s.

    From the first book, The Four Great Evils of the Day in four lectures, “But yet the Son of Man, when He cometh, shall He find, think you, faith on earth?” Manning clarifies, “By this question our Divine Lord intends us to understand that, when He comes, He shall find many who do not believe, many who have fallen from the faith. It foretells that there shall be apostasies ...”

    From the second book, The Sovereignty of God in six lectures, “...God, in times past, shut His eyes to the idolatries and polythesim of men. Those times are past now, for God has made Himself known, and has therefore commanded all men everywhere to do penance ...”

    From the third book, The Grounds of Faith in four lectures, “I desire to speak, then, for the honor of our Lord, and, if God so will, for the help of those who seek the truth. To lay broad and sure the foundations on which we believe is necessary at all times, because as the end of man is life eternal, and as the means to that end if the knowledge of God...”

    Each set of lectures has an average of about 130 pages, Impr 1899. Total pages 420.

    See also other books by Cardinal Henry Edward Manning:
      Internal Mission of the Holy Ghost
      Love of Jesus to Penitents
      The Temporal Power of the Vicar of Jesus Christ
      Lectures by Cardinal Manning
      Sin and It’s Consequences
      The Glories of the Sacred Heart
      Eternal Priesthood

    • $22.95

    • SKU: N-LCM

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  • by Cardinal Henry Edward Manning.

    Imprimatur, 1862.

    Cardinal Manning, in a convincing writing style convinces the reader of the accuracy of the title he chose for this book. Chapters include: The Sacrament of Penance the Special Sacrament of the Compassion of Jesus; The Sacrament of Penance a Means of Self-Knowledge, The Sacrament of Penance the Means of Perfecting Our Contrition, The Sacrament of Penance the Sacrament of Reparation, and The Sacrament of Penance the Sacrament of Perseverance.

    151 pages, PB, size 3" x 5".

    See also other books by Cardinal Henry Edward Manning:
      Internal Mission of the Holy Ghost
      Love of Jesus to Penitents
      The Temporal Power of the Vicar of Jesus Christ
      Lectures by Cardinal Manning
      Sin and It’s Consequences
      The Glories of the Sacred Heart
      Eternal Priesthood

    • $12.50

    • SKU: N-LOVE

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  • 140 pages, Impr 1892.

    This book, written by Cardinal Manning, is compiled of his thoughts and musings on the meaning of certain words and how they relate to morality and the human conscience. He talks of honour and its definition; "it was the value others set upon a man: not that which he set upon himself.", setting examples on what it means to actually have honour and how it defines a person. He touches on other topics and their meanings such as consistency, pride, vanity, selfishness and more. He ends with "Dæmon of Socrates", saying, "Whether the estimate I have given of the Dæmonion of Socrates be true or not, the inquiry in which we have been engaged is manifestly not a barren speculation. It sets before us a great moral example, it teaches us a great moral law, necessary to men at all times, vital to us in these declining days. ... It tells us with a thrilling human voice, and in the accents of our common humanity, that man's supreme rule of right is the moral reason or conscience ... In such a public state Socrates lived and died, bequeathing to us this lesson- that Conscience is the Voice of God."

    • $15.70

    • SKU: N-PTP

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  • Preface by His Emminence the Cardinal Archbishop Henry Edward Manning of Westminster.

    Impr 1869.

    From the Preface:
    “This volume is a valuable addition to our books on devotion. The present volume is throughout both practical and proximate to our daily needs. It is within the reach of anyone. The Author offers it to us as a remedy against distractions by connecting ‘serious thoughts with such prayers as may gently draw the soul entirely to our Lord.’ There are 30 Exercises, each filled with inspirational words like we have never heard before!

    507 pages.

    • $24.80

    • SKU: N-RPHC

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  • By Cardinal Henry Edward Manning.

    An examination of sin and its effects on the soul.  

    The book is very helpful in understanding the nature of sin and what it does to your soul and your relationship with our Lord. It will show you how to cope with temptations. It will help you to understand that even though we think our sins to not be very big that, in the eyes of our Lord, they are very big indeed. It shows you how venial sin will lead to mortal sin and sins of omission lead to sins of commission. Best of all Cardinal Manning shows how we can gain pardon from our sins and heal our soul through penance, repentance and grace.

    264 page book, originally published in 1904.

    See also other books by Cardinal Henry Edward Manning:
      Internal Mission of the Holy Ghost
      Love of Jesus to Penitents
      The Temporal Power of the Vicar of Jesus Christ
      Lectures by Cardinal Manning
      Sin and It’s Consequences
      The Glories of the Sacred Heart
      Eternal Priesthood

    • $19.90

    • SKU: N-SIN

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  • By Cardinal Henry Edward Manning.

    302 pages.

    From the Preface:
    The devotion to the Sacred Heart has two aspects: the one as the centre of all dogma; the other as the source of the deepest devotion. In the following pages I have intentionally confined myself to the dogmatic side of the devotion; and for the following reasons. I believe firmly that when divine truth is fully understood it generates devotion; that one cause of shallowness in the spiritual life is a superficial apprehension of the dogma of the Incarnation; and that one divine purpose in the institution and diffusion of the devotion of the Sacred Heart, in these last times, is to reawaken in the minds of men the consciousness of their personal relation to a Divine Master. He has foretold the dimness and the coldness of these latter days: ‘The Son of Man, when He cometh, shall He find, think you, faith on the earth?’ (Luke xvii,8) ‘Because iniquity hath abounded, the charity of many shall grow cold.’ (Matthew xxiv, 12). In that day the disciples of the Sacred Heart at least will ‘know whom they have believed.” Then, if we are asked by Our Lord the same question that he thrice asked St. Peter, “Lovest those me?”, we will know the answer. This book is broken into ten chapters that have the following topics: The Divine Glory of the Sacred Heart, The Sacred Heart God’s Way of Love, Dogma the Source of Devotion, the Science of the Sacred Heart, The Last Will of the Sacred Heart, the Temporal Glory of the Sacred Heart, the Transforming Power of the Sacred Heart, the Sure Way of Likeness to the Sacred Heart, the Signs of the Sacred Heart, and The Eternal Glory of the Sacred Heart.

    See also other books by Cardinal Henry Edward Manning:
      Internal Mission of the Holy Ghost
      Love of Jesus to Penitents
      The Temporal Power of the Vicar of Jesus Christ
      Lectures by Cardinal Manning
      Sin and It’s Consequences
      The Glories of the Sacred Heart
      Eternal Priesthood

    • $20.90

    • SKU: N-GSH

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  • By Cardinal Henry Edward Manning

    Except from the dedication:
    “My belief is that these topics have a special fitness in the nineteenth century. They are the direct antidote both of the heretical spirit which is abroad, and of the unspiritual and worldly mind of so many Christians. The presence of the Holy Ghost in the Church is the source of its infallibility; the presence of the Holy Ghost in the soul is the source of its sanctification. These two operations of the same Spirit are in perfect harmony. The test of the spiritual man is his conformity to the mind of the Church.

    494 page. Impr 1875.

    See also other books by Cardinal Henry Edward Manning:
      Internal Mission of the Holy Ghost
      Love of Jesus to Penitents
      The Temporal Power of the Vicar of Jesus Christ
      Lectures by Cardinal Manning
      Sin and It’s Consequences
      The Glories of the Sacred Heart
      Eternal Priesthood

    • $24.30

    • SKU: N-MHG

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  • By Cardinal Edward Manning

    The Temporal Power of the Vicar of Jesus Christ is the living witness of the consecration of the civil powers to the law and kingdom of God. He holds, as it were, the divine principle in his person. Cardinal Manning seemed to prophetically know in 1861,when this book was written, about future attacks on the Vicar of Jesus Christ which were by then well under way. The book has three parts: Part I, the origin of the Temporal Power and how the dissolution of the Christian Society is the consequence of the overthrow of the Temporal Power. Part II deals with Antichrist, “the last head of the mystery of iniquity”, the persecutions of the Antichrist and The Vicar of Jesus Christ as the supernatural antagonist of Antichrist and Part III: The Last Glories of the Holy See are greater than the first. The present time, which seems darkest by persecutions, will appear in the result brightest in glory. What is sketched out in this book is already fulfilling and getting worse each day.

    310 pages.

    See also other books by Cardinal Henry Edward Manning:
      Internal Mission of the Holy Ghost
      Love of Jesus to Penitents
      The Temporal Power of the Vicar of Jesus Christ
      Lectures by Cardinal Manning
      Sin and It’s Consequences
      The Glories of the Sacred Heart
      Eternal Priesthood

    • $19.60

    • SKU: N-VICAR

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