The Intellectual Life
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The Intellectual Life

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By A.D. Sertillanges, O.P.

Impr. 1948.

182 page book.

From its summary, “The intellectual is not self-begotten; he is the son of the Idea, of the Truth, of the creative Word, the Life-giver immanent in His creation. When the thinker thinks rightly, he follows God step by step; he does not follow his own vain fancy. When he gropes and struggles in the effort of research, he is Jacob wrestling with the angel and “strong against God”.” Sertillanges makes it clear within this book that it is not so much as how much time we spend on intellectual work but how we use it in our busy lives. This book is complete with chapters on how best to organize one's life and make use of their time to devote to the teachings of Christ.

  • $16.70

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